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An ITIN is a 9-digit number issued by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required for U.S. federal tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number (TIN) but who do not have and are not eligible to get a Social Security number (SSN).
If you earned income in the United States you're required to report the income regardless of where you live or what your citizenship status is. An ITIN allows you to comply with the law by issuing you a 9-digit number similar to a Social Security Number if you don't qualify for a Social Security Number.
IRS policy strictly prohibits the disclosure of any taxpayer's information to third parties, including other U.S. Federal agencies.
Yes, filing a tax return with the IRS if you earned income in the U.S. will make you tax-compliant, which carries many benefits and avoids penalties.
The IRS usually processes ITIN applications within 7-8 weeks. In some cases, especially during tax season, the process may take longer.
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